Thursday, July 23, 2009

Nothing Important

Well, it’s been another fun week of politics as usual in the good ol’ USA. It is interesting to me that the freedom to think and speak without restriction seems to bring so much speaking and so little thinking, but I suppose that freedom of information, thought and speech may generally be found to be the political equivalent of drunkenness; it reveals us to be what we already are, only more so. The brilliance of our political system never seems to be able to completely compensate for the residual boorishness of a nation built by deadbeats, wanderers, religious outcasts, prisoners, madmen, slaves, Masons and Irishmen.

Meanwhile, the furor over the birth status of our President seems to have heated up again. While I’m sure there are a variety of legitimate perspectives on the meaning of “Natural Born Citizen”, there does not appear to be much evidence that the President doesn’t meet the most common and reasonable of these tests. However, I suppose that he could possibly be an “Unnaturally Born Citizen”. Perhaps he was created in a laboratory by a kindly lunatic who died when the President was young; the birth certificate probably wouldn’t say. He could be a human-alien hybrid resulting from the long-ago abduction of Rosa Parks, which would probably account for both his intelligence and his ears. Perhaps he truly was raised from birth by a cabal of shadowy foreign conspirators in order to assume the Presidency and ruin the country by attempting to actually fix something. It is not, unfortunately, unusual for those who cannot win the game to resort to arguing about the rules.

And of course we have the case of a Harvard professor who was arrested on his own front porch by a Policeman who was summoned by a neighbor to investigate a suspected break-in at the residence. By all accounts the Professor, who is black, behaved in a pompous and strident manner, but when the police knock on your door and ask you for ID in the front hallway of your own home, it is probably not unusual to get a little attitude. This is probably an example of two assholes who decided to see who could be the biggest asshole, but the tie always goes to the government. Policemen, for all the wonderful and difficult work that they do, have no business handcuffing a person who gets pissed when they come into that person’s home and question the person’s right to be there based upon the suspicions of a neighbor who can’t even identify the actual resident. Our alien-human hybrid President then comments on this during a recent press conference and says the Police acted “stupidly”, which may be true, but there are probably mechanisms in place to evaluate this sort of thing which don’t involve the White House. Now the president of the Cambridge, Massachusetts Police Union says he is “disgraced” that Barrack Obama is the President. I can empathize with him; I felt that way every day between January of 2001 and January of 2009.

Who would have thought that North Korea would have resorted to talking trash? They recently said that Hilary Clinton looks like a “pensioner going shopping”. Oh snap. What does that mean exactly, “pensioner going shopping”? Do pensioners dress in a particular way when they shop? What the hell is a pensioner anyway? I don’t think the North Koreans really understand America. Americans get angry when we are frightened, and we blow stuff up when we are angry. On the other hand, we give tons of money to pathetic looking children and the cute infant offspring of dangerous predatory animals. I understand the guy next in line for the North Korean throne is an NBA fan. Three words, Ambassador Lebron James.

Anyway, the Republicans are still trying to defeat any legislation the President puts forward, irrespective of its merit. Somehow they feel they will be rewarded for their consistency, and who am I to say they won’t? However, it continues to be the President’s own party that keeps screwing things up, because that’s what Democrats do. I am proposing a new major party in America, the “Fuck You, You Fucking Morons” party. This party would accept anyone who promises never to vote for a Republican or Democrat again. As the deceptively named 19th Century Congressman John Galbraith said, "Politics is the art of choosing between the disastrous and the unpalatable." I prefer more choice.

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