Friday, July 31, 2009

Whigging Out

I recently proposed the creation of the rather crudely named “Fuck You, You Fucking Morons” party. The proposed name is perhaps more a reflection of frustration than focus group research, but it is certainly a genuine sentiment. The current state of political discourse in this nation is abysmal; respect for facts, application of common sense and any basic concept of national interest are flagrantly subordinated to the personal and financial interests of the participants, and large segments of the American populace continued to be suckered by demagoguery and irrational appeals to fear, and as much as I would like to blame the Republicans for this, it is an issue that transcends party affiliation.

I have acquaintances who point out that this is pretty much how it’s been since day one in America and that human nature doesn’t provide for viable alternatives. While I fear this may be correct, I still naively cling to the notion that there is something special and superior in our system and that we have the right and obligation to expect more from our elected representatives than promoting the interests of their financial masters or pandering to people they know to be ignorant and wrong simply in order to continue their tenure in office. Charles Sumner may have beaten Preston Brooks senseless with a cane in 1857, but that was considerably more honest and direct than the juvenile name calling and smugly disingenuous posturing that passes for debate in the Congress these days.

So, having established the basis for my proposal, what would the basic tenants of the FYYFM Party be? Well, in no particular order, here:

1) Intellectual substance and academic achievement must be respected. One big problem with the world is that, by definition, half of everybody is below average intelligence. We must look to smart people for leadership, not kooky moose hunters with the verbal dexterity of fourth-graders.
2) Religious dogma is unacceptable as a basis for national policy formulation. Generally accepted ethical principles and concepts of equity are essential, but “because the Bible says…” must be avoided at all costs.
3) Math skills are essential.
4) People must be willing to admit to at least the possibility that they might be wrong about something. Wisdom begins with an honest assessment of our own flaws.
5) Treat everyone with sincere respect in all public discourse, even when you want to strangle them with their own intestines.
6) Make an honest effort to be sure you know what the hell you are talking about. This includes informing yourself about opposite views and assessing them objectively.
7) Don’t focus on trivia.
8) Don’t forget that there are 300,000,000 different perspectives in this country and that no policy is truly sustainable in the long term if there is not at least some general consensus that it at least sort of makes sense.
9) People have the right to be left alone by government unless there is a clearly identifiable public need that can be successfully addressed by collective action.
10) There is such a thing as civic obligation and nobody, no matter how individually talented and motivated, got where they are without the assistance and cooperation of a lot of people.
11) Deliberately misinforming the public, whether by misrepresentation, omission, exaggeration or obfuscation, is lying, and lying makes you a douche-bag.
12) Fear does not, has not and cannot lead to any positive outcome, no matter the facts or circumstances.
13) Leadership means influencing public opinion, not measuring it.
14) No matter how important we may think we are now, we all die and rot and are forgotten.
15) Science rules.
16) Government’s first priority must be not to protect national power, wealth, or even American lives, but to uphold the principles established by our Declaration of Independence and Constitution.
17) Even assholes sometimes have a good idea.
18) Taking money from the people who are affected by your decisions is wrong.
19) Congress needs to meet less often, not more.
20) Mars here we come!

P.J. O’Rourke, the pre-eminent political mind of the 20th Century said, "The Democrats are the party of government activism, the party that says government can make you richer, smarter, taller, and get the chickweed out of your lawn. Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work, and then get elected and prove it." This why there must be another choice. Let the revolution begin.

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