Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Ground Control to Uncle Tom

I recently had the pleasure of becoming aware of one Byron York, who is apparently the chief political correspondent for the Washington Examiner, which as nearly as I can determine is a newspaper distributed free of charge to approximately 93,000 white people in northern Virginia. Mr. York is a proud graduate of the University of Alabama and wrote a book, which I have not read, titled The Vast Leftwing Conspiracy. In other words, he has a brain tumor the size of an orange, was partially strangled by the umbilical cord at birth and he wets his bed.

Mr. York has recently done an admirable job of employing simple arithmetic principles to discover that President Obama is way more popular among Black Americans than among Whites. Mr. York analyzed a recent Washington Times poll and determined that President Obama’s favorable to unfavorable ratio among self-reported “White” Americans was only 2.33 to 1, while the same analysis for self-reported “Black” Americans resulted in a calculation error since there were no Blacks with an unfavorable opinion. I can only suppose that Mr. York is trying to give comfort to his fellow NDSAP members by revealing that “real” Americans only reject their poisonous bile by a 2.33 to 1 majority. Wow, congratulations.

Now I realize that even approaching the issue of race in America can get you punched in the nose or your house burned down. People get real emotional about this stuff. I also do not believe that all self-professed Republicans or “Conservatives” are racist, but I do know that implied racism is entirely too tolerated by the segments of this society who claim to want nothing more than limited government and fiscal responsibility. Why does Mr. York care what the racial breakdown of the President’s support is? For that matter, why does the Washington Times care? It certainly isn’t because the public’s thirst for descriptive statistical data is so powerful that it must be sated by minute analysis of all possible permutations of public opinion. We probably just like to focus on our differences so we can classify, categorize and exclude. That way we get to be better than somebody, even if we pretty much suck.

I have heard the counter argument implying that I am really the racist because I expect Black Americans to continue their servile, slavish devotion to the paternalistic Democratic Party without the intellectual freedom to follow the dictates of their conscience. Like, dude, nobody cares what I think; most Black Americans have rejected the Republican Party and its “conservative” philosophy based upon a sound analytical model, and putting some Black guy with a personality disorder in charge of the RNC isn’t fooling anybody.

I was 12 years old when the public schools in my home town of Macon, Georgia were finally racially integrated. I was almost three when George Wallace stood in the door of Foster Auditorium at Mr. York’s University of Alabama. Unforgivable evil has been perpetrated in this nation in my lifetime and I am not prepared to dismiss Black Americans as somehow politically irrelevant because they happen to not have forgotten who pissed in their cornflakes. Americans are Americans; we all get to pay taxes and we all get to vote. The half of the Republican Party not working assiduously to suppress the Black vote seems to have forgotten this, which is why they will be cast upon the scrap-heap of history. Not even the Whigs will be more extinct by the middle of this century.

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