Monday, May 11, 2009

Deja Vu All Over Again

As the sainted President Reagan says, here I go again.

I know that former Vice President Dick Cheney is just trying to irritate me personally with his nonsensical rhetoric on the Obama administration and the subject of national security, and I realize that I am just playing into his hands by allowing myself to even suppose that he has any other intent than riling me up on the subject. The former Vice President has singled me out individually because of my outspoken criticism and continued references to him as Count Dracula. He is a bitter and cynical old man with bad knees and piles, and he hates everybody, including himself.

There are some things, however, that demand a response, if only because of the opportunity they present to expose the hypocrisy and nuttiness of the lunatic fringe. In a national television appearance this weekend, Count Cheney suggested that Rush Limbaugh was a more appropriate ideological leader for the Republican Party than General Colin Powell. My first reaction was to ask how even Darth Cheney could have the unmitigated temerity to make such a ridiculous statement, but the more I thought about it, the clearer it became that he was actually right.

Let’s look at the facts. Rush Limbaugh is a college dropout with no formal training in any recognized intellectual discipline. General Powell has an undergraduate degree in Geology and a MBA, which he earned while in military service. General Powell is also a graduate of the United States Army War College. This is completely consistent with the Republican Party’s disregard for the value of education and its rejection of scientific reasoning. A fat, blow-hard dropout who practices voodoo and phrenology is clearly a more honest philosophical father of the Republicans than any educated man.

Rush Limbaugh has been married and divorced three times. General Powell has been married to his first wife since 1962. This is consistent with the Republican Party’s bogus “family values” posture, since fat, blow-hard white guys can do pretty much what they want without penalty, including frequenting prostitutes, so long as they parrot the party line. In fact, it appears many elected officials in Washington of both parties look to Mr. Limbaugh as role model for domestic behavior.

Rush Limbaugh is an admitted narcotics addict. General Powell is a decorated veteran of military service with multiple combat tours in Vietnam, a place with a lot of narcotics. This is completely consistent with the Republican Party’s policy of making sure anybody who is poor or black gets to go to jail, while wealthy white men get to go to the country club to complain about how unfair it is that they are indicted for something so traditionally American as doctor shopping.

Since the 1970’s Rush Limbaugh has been mostly involved in radio; since 1984 he has been the host of his own syndicated talk show (where he does all the talking). During that same time General Powell has been a Major General, a Lieutenant General, a General, President Ronald Reagan’s National Security Advisor, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the United States Secretary of State. This would be completely consistent with the Republican Party’s worship of amoral, narcissistic megalomaniacs who wave the flag but never pursue military service and who pontificate to the whole world about everything while having accomplished nothing but hypnotizing America’s intellectual sludge with bombast and racist innuendo. Dick Cheney, Lord of the Sith, is more correct than even he knows when he anoints Rush Limbaugh as the ideological leader of the Party.

As a fat, more or less useless white guy myself, I feel I have the right to rabidly hate all over Rush Limbaugh, because he gives people like me a bad name. Some may observe that ad homonym attacks do not constitute a reasoned argument, but I postulate that if such attacks are accompanied by enough unverified derogatory gossip, then this meets the test of intellectual substance which is standard in 21st Century America. It is upon this contention, and five minutes on Wikipedia, that I base my claim that Rush Limbaugh represents all that is wrong with humanity and that he is, in fact, a hairy turd.

I suppose there may be some persons who identify themselves as Republicans who may resent the implications of my meandering diatribe; if so, I would have a question and an observation; who read it to you?; and pound sand.

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